Munitions smuggling in Sweden out of control Expert

Munitions smuggling in Sweden out of control Expert


Sweden has one of the loftiest rates of arm- related violence in Western Europe, a result of an ever- adding number of gangs and felonious networks responsible for the high flux of illegal arms to Sweden, according to experts.

Despite one of the world’s strictest gun laws, the country still faces significant arm- related bloodshed, with numerous experts calling for fresh programs to combat the illegal inflow of arms and gang crime.

According to a 2021 report by the Global Initiative Against international Organized Crime, Serbian fireballs, and Yugoslav- period hand grenades are fueling the country’s rising gang violence that’s incompletely due to the heritage of the presently dissolved, so- called “ Yugoslav cabal ” that dominated Stockholm’s felonious demiworld through the 1990s.

At the time, Serbian war crimes suspect Zeljko Arkan Raznatovic effectively dominated significant corridor of the civic felonious frugality in Sweden, another report, published in 2021 by the Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, said.

Still, recent reports suggest that while Balkan munitions greatly contribute to ever- raising arm smuggling in the Scandinavian country, there are other factors also playing a significant part.

For case, there are fears among the country’s experts that felonious networks may have access to munitions allegedly packed from Ukraine, according to reports by the original Sveriges Radio.

In Sweden’s alternate- largest megacity, Gothenburg, arms bootleggers have been requested to acquire munitions from war- torn Ukraine for farther trade to felonious gangs in the country, the radio broadcaster said.

Munitions smuggling expert at the Swedish Customs Service Jesper Liedholm expressed fears that culprits may have access to more important munitions to smuggle in Sweden and that any type of armament handed to Ukraine as Western aid may also come back to the country, it added.

But Mathias Stahle, a intelligencer and an author of the book Vapensmederna( The Gunsmiths The Men Who Are Arming Sweden’s culprits), told Anadolu that while the Moscow- Kyiv war is still ongoing, he doesn’t suppose that there’s “ a lot of leakage of armament from Ukraine moment. ”

Still, he added that “ one day, the war will end, and also, those munitions, they need to go nearly, someone will want to make plutocrat from them. ”

Sweden may not be the only Scandinavian country where culprits may have access to munitions that are meant for Ukraine, as last October, the Finnish National Bureau of Investigation said munitions transferred to Ukraine may have set up their way back to culprits in Finland.


Ardavan Khoshnood, a criminologist and a political scientist probing violent crimes and gang violence in Sweden at Lund University, told Anadolu that in Sweden, munitions smuggling is out of control.

According to Khoshnood, hundreds of colorful types of munitions, including automatic ordnance,semi-automatic munitions, grenades, and also snares, get smuggled into the country daily, from colorful countries, substantially from Eastern Europe, due to high demand by numerous gangs and felonious networks in Sweden.

“ There are some veritably serious conflicts between these gangs and felonious networks, ” and as long as there’s such a huge demand, there will be “ a huge affluence of munitions into the Swedish society, ” he added.

Also, Stahle said the country has gone from zero blowups 20 times ago to now hundreds of blowups every time.

Over the once decade, the gun violence in Sweden has been constantly raising and it’s “ fairly simple to acquire illegal munitions, ” he noted.

Piecemeal from arms smuggled in from other corridor of Europe, the domestic illegal gun request is also to condemn, as culprits have discovered that they can buy corridor demanded to repair and maintain frequently dysfunctional old munitions in the original stores, “ without any control at each, ” Stahle stressed.

“ A lot of them are from the Cold War period, ” or indeed aged than that, he added.


According to Stahle, the Nordic country is floundering to manage with armament smuggling also because numerous EU member countries have legalized toy ordnance or starter fireballs that are only supposed to produce a loud bang without any pellets.

These munitions are moment manufactured by companies that make them look like exact clones of murderous munitions, but they’re extremely easy to convert into murderous munitions.

Under the current law, it’s illegal to enjoy such a armament in Sweden unless you have a license for it.

But felonious networks manage to find a way around it by simply making a trip to another EU country where they can buy these munitions fairly.


“ Since we do not have any border controls in Sweden, as utmost European countries do not have, it’s veritably, veritably simple to take them with you back home, ” in a auto, by machine or ferry, said Stahle.

Culprits manage to hide arms inside vehicles that are stopped and searched indeed, as they’re occasionally erected into the auto itself, in the machine room, retired doors, or under the passenger cube, he noted.

Khoshnood also refocused out that the Swedish authorities must pour further coffers into the country’s Swedish customs to enable them to fight the affluence of illegal munitions into Sweden.

He said the country’s congress must reevaluate its law and come up with a new regulation that will “ give further power to customs ” to stop buses or exchanges carrying illegal munitions into Sweden.

Until also, dozens of gangs contending for control of Sweden’s medicines, illegal gambling, and coitus requests, which generally partake the same arms suppliers, are managing to break through the Swedish borders without getting caught.